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NLPOA offers various opportunities for you to post your classified ad on our website.  Our website is viewed by thousands seeking employment and law enforcement opportunities in the criminal justice community. receives over 10,000 page views a month from all over the United States.

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NLPOA IRS 501c3 and EIN no. 94-3165929

NLPOA Dun and Bradstreet DUNS No.  028051529

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    • Advertisement can be refused in reference to The NATIONAL LATINO PEACE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION STANDARD OPERATING

      STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (NLPOA—SOPs) STANDARD II - MISSION The Mission of the Association is to eliminate prejudice and discrimination in the Criminal Justice System (particularly Law Enforcement); to create a fraternal/professional association that provides support, advocacy, personal and professional development to its members; to prevent and reduce juvenile delinquency; and to lessen neighborhood tension in the Latino Communities through awareness and role modeling, offer Bi-lingual assistance to the public, and bridge the gap between the community and the police. (National LPOA CONSTITUTION August 7, 1974) (Approved May 17th 1997, Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
    • $0.00
    • American Express
      Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa